Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Welcome to A New School Year!

Welcome back .... 51 days later! In an effort to be just a little more organized and a better communicator :), I'm going to jump start my class blog! Please pardon an overload of posts while I try to catch up!

I have been blessed with a very sweet and silly group of little ones this year. In keeping with our theme, we each decorated our own "pirate self". We decorated our bulletin board with the title "We Arrrrre Ready for 1st Grade!"

Turn your head...it's still cute :)

If you have followed me for awhile, you know that I love No, David! Well, the beginning of the school year would not be the same without our David unit! David is great for teaching appropriate (Peace Maker) behaviors and inappropriate (Peace Breaker) behaviors.  We brainstorm various behaviors and record them on a poster. The  posters are displayed  in our class so we can refer back to them as needed and refresh our memory a little after school breaks. :)


last year's 'Davids'..They were eager to take them home this year and I didn't snap a pic! oops!